
Xarray provides pandas-level convenience for working with ultidimensional data. Xarray has two fundamental data structure: a DataArray, which holds a single multi-dimensional variable and its coordinates;
a Dataset, which holds multiple variables that potentially share the same coordinates.

Moreover, a DataArray has four attributes:

  • values: a numpy.ndarray holding the array’s values (矩阵数值,例如地表温度具体数值)
  • dims: dimension names for each axis (e.g., (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’)) (维度名称,如经度、纬度、垂直分层、时间等)
  • coords: a dict-like container of arrays (coordinates) that label each * point (e.g., 1-dimensional arrays of numbers, datetime objects or strings) (各维度坐标体系,如时间序列)
  • attrs: an OrderedDict to hold arbitrary metadata (attributes) (对各属性的描述)


提要:定义嵌套网格是运行WRF模型的重要工作。本文基于Python 3.7,在Salem工具包基础上加以改进,结合Cartopy对中国国界线进行替换,同时实现修改默认底图。




When you’ve got the all the files from WRF simulations, you might want to merge them without the spin-up frames (to reach a balanced state with the boundary conditions, i.e., 12 hours for a 5-day simulation). Meanwhile, the variables/grids which are not focused on can be ignore. Therefore, a general workflow in pythonic way is presented. I will also rewritten this function as my first Python Package. Please note the updates on my website.


I’m writing today about downloading, handling, and plotting satellite derived air pollution maps with cartopy and fiona using Python. One key task in this post is to clip a raster-like (2-d array) dataset with a polygon in pure Python environment (i.e., no need for ArcGIS or QGIS GUI-based software).

The satellite sensor can offer critical supplementary data of several atmospheric species, e.g., SO2, NO2, PM2.5. Comparaing to ground-based monitoring which might be sparse in some areas (e.g., Africa, South America, oceans), the satellite observation offers a full picture for better understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of some air pollutants.

Below is an excerpt of a NO2 column maps within Chengyu urabn agglomeration in China.


In this post, I present some simple programs written in Python for post-processing the flexpart-wrf output.

It mainly contains several aspects, data merging, data processing and data visualization. I will also show some tips tp creat self-defined colormaps for nice plots.

PS: All th codes are also uploaded in my GitHub respority PyFlex



气象模拟文件的后处理PartA: 曲折的安装


FLEXPART is a Lagrangian particle dispersion model (LPDM) developed by Norwegian Institute of Air Research, Norway. It allows researchers to simulate the long-range transportation, diffusion, dry/wet deposition processes of atmospheric spcecies from their sources. It also can be utilized for backward calculation based on the observation of receptor to anaysis source-receptor relationships.

This model is coded following the Fortran 95 standard, and can be freely download from the page here. Flexpart 8.x/9.x is easy for compilation following the offical reference. I noticed that netCDF-format output (which would make the post-processing easier compared to the original binary output files) has been merged in the newer veision. Therefore, I tried to compile FLEXPART 10.0 beta version in the Linux system, while lots of issues appeared. My installing steps are listed as follows



我曾尝试采用爬虫工具获取并存储逐时信息,但限于权限,未能在实验室服务器上连续长时间运行。互联网上直接提供数据或API端口的网站有很多,如环境云, 青悦开放环境数据中心等。其中,beijingair最具分享精神,提供了2013年至今的详尽历史数据,且完全免费。



提要:此文介绍利用Python语言处理NASA MODIS火点数据(Global Monthly Fire Location Product,MCD14ML),可实现的基本功能包括:(1)特定时期的火点信息提取;(2)特定区域内的火点信息提取;(3)火点密度空间分布的计算与可视化表达


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