
In this post, I present some simple programs written in Python for post-processing the flexpart-wrf output.

It mainly contains several aspects, data merging, data processing and data visualization. I will also show some tips tp creat self-defined colormaps for nice plots.

PS: All th codes are also uploaded in my GitHub respority PyFlex


FLEXPART is a Lagrangian particle dispersion model (LPDM) developed by Norwegian Institute of Air Research, Norway. It allows researchers to simulate the long-range transportation, diffusion, dry/wet deposition processes of atmospheric spcecies from their sources. It also can be utilized for backward calculation based on the observation of receptor to anaysis source-receptor relationships.

This model is coded following the Fortran 95 standard, and can be freely download from the page here. Flexpart 8.x/9.x is easy for compilation following the offical reference. I noticed that netCDF-format output (which would make the post-processing easier compared to the original binary output files) has been merged in the newer veision. Therefore, I tried to compile FLEXPART 10.0 beta version in the Linux system, while lots of issues appeared. My installing steps are listed as follows



  1. 初始场添加沙尘排放源的模拟
  2. 采用GOCART全球气溶胶排放清单的模拟
  3. 加入生物源排放的化学模拟(MEGAN引入)
  4. 加入气溶胶直接/间接辐射效应的模拟
  5. WRF-Chem数值预报实验

下文记录Exercise 1的流程和注意事项



之前,服务器采用的是ifort编译器。重装后,系统中只有gcc, 版本也比较旧(4.1.2)。 WRF编译失败,我认为原因可能是gcc太旧了。 因而,我考虑升级gcc的版本,同时由于本人不是root用户,也不能借助yum install gcc的简单办法,只得step by step地做。



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